Capacity Building with Lena Sisco

Lena’s arrival to our Team greatly enhances our capability in the HUMINT and Interviewing fields, enabling to train course participants in body language and detecting deception skills, interviewing and interrogation techniques, as well as elicitation methods and enhanced communication skills.  Lena and TDA can also train clients in leadership foundations, mindfulness and communication practices. Lena is also the creator of The SISCO Method for Strategic, Non-Accusatory Interview and Interrogation Practices.  The SISCO Method is quickly becoming the standard within U.S. Law Enforcement Community for Non-Accusatory interview methodologies.

Click here to read Lena Sisco’s professional bio

The following 4 courses are offered through TDA’s exclusive alliance with Ms. Lena Sisco:

Advanced Detecting Deception (ADDC) course (3 days)

Course Description: This 3-day ADDC teaches participants the most comprehensive list of verbal and nonverbal indicators of deception. Participants will learn how to read body language and how stress affects body language. Participants will also learn how to read facial micro-expressions of emotion in order to identify when someone is trying to conceal their true emotions. We will discuss the physiological effects of cortisol and why a polygraph machine cannot and will never be able to detect lies. Participants will learn about the different types of liars and the correlation between nonverbal indicators of deception. Participants will also learn verbal indicators of deception and how to conduct statement analysis on written and spoken statements in order to identify deception. We will also discuss the two types of memories and the correlation between retrieving true memory data and creating data and how that affects deceptive analysis.

This course requires active participation. It is designed to test the participants to see how they react in certain situations and how they can effectively utilize their new skills.

Advance Conversational Elicitation Course (ACEC) (3 Days)

Course Description: This 3-day ACEC course teaches participants the art of controlled conversational elicitation and the skill of deflecting elicitation attempts made by others. Participants will learn how to obtain information through elicitation to answer requirements and also how to protect themselves and their information if they should become the target of elicitation. This course teaches 11 proven elicitation techniques which involve crafting effective provocative statements in order to provoke responses from targets so the conversation flows freely and effortlessly. Participants will learn and practice how to bump a target, gain their trust, bait them into a conversation, control the conversation and elicit information without ever revealing their objective(s). Participants will learn body language do’s and don’ts for looking and feeling confident. Participants will also learn the basics on how to accurately, and quickly, detect deceptive indicators, both verbal and nonverbal, in others, to ensure the truthfulness and accuracy of the information they elicit.

This course is requires active participation. Participants will be tested on their observation, detecting deception, elicitation and counter-elicitation skills through real world exercises.

Enhanced Strategic Interviewing (ESI) course (5 Days)

Course Description: The 5-day ESI course teaches participants in the six phases of strategic interviewing to include: Preparation, Rapport, Questioning, Detecting Deception, Handling the Breaking Point, and Termination, to fully prepare for real-life interrogations/interviews.
*For purposes of this course, we will be using the terms “interview” and “person of interest (POI)” to refer to the interviewee.

6 Phases of Strategic Interviewing

  • Phase 1: Preparation: Participants will learn how to fully prepare for an interrogation or interview. We will discuss topics such as traits of a successful interviewer, room set up, recording the interview, legal issues, note taking, working with multiple interrogators/interviewers, flexible outlines, positive versus negative language, being non-accusatory, remaining objective, being an active listener and observer, ruses and approach styles. Participants will learn how to structure an interview by using the hourglass technique to ease concerns and increase cooperation. Participants will learn how to avoid common communication barriers such as biases and assumptions, as well as personalities.
  • Phase 2: Rapport and Elicitation: Participants will learn rapport techniques to gain likability and trust, which lead to confessions. Participants will learn body language dos and don’ts to avoid communication barriers and techniques to gain trust and cooperation. Participants will also learn elicitation techniques to relax the POI and obtain information without asking a question thus concealing the objective.
  • Phase 3: Questioning: Participants will learn how to extract information by using non-accusatory questioning techniques to fully exploit truthful information. Participants will learn to use effective questions types and techniques while avoiding ineffective question types. Participants will be given four go-to questions to ask when they suspect a person is lying to them and what to say once they spot the lie to get to the truth.
  • Phase 4: Detecting Deception: Participants will learn how to read body language and how stress affects body language. We will discuss the physiological effects of cortisol and why a polygraph machine cannot and will never be able to detect lies. Participants will learn about the different types of liars and the correlation between nonverbal indicators of deception. Participants will also learn common verbal indicators of deception and what to look for in the body language when a person uses deceptive statements. Participants will be trained in statement analysis and will conduct statement analysis on written and spoken statements in order to identify deception.
  • Phase 5: Handling the Breaking Point: Participants will learn techniques to be able to first identify when the POI is at their breaking point, meaning their will to keep lying and deceiving is breaking down, and second, how to handle the POI when they are at their breaking point. Participants will learn how to use the laddering technique to find out motivations and needs to bring the POI to confession. Participants will learn alternative techniques to “providing a way out,” how to use evidence effectively, how to handle denials and avoid false confessions as well as how to assign positive traits and use embedded commands to help guide the POI to confession.
  • Phase 6: Termination: Participants will learn how to end, or terminate, an interview on a positive note so that the POI feels good about confessing and looks to the interrogator/interviewer as the person who released their burden of guilt or shame allowing them to feel good about themselves. Participants will prepare to leave the POI open to follow-on interrogations or interviews and re-contact.
    Courses require active participation. All courses are designed to test the participants to see how they react to specific situations and how they can effectively utilize their new skills. During these courses the participants will conduct detecting deception, elicitation and questioning exercises on each other – there are no role players. Participants will see real indicators of deception and have to determine lies and gather information from unwitting participants.

Conversational Elicitation and Enhanced Communication (CEEC) course (5 Days)

Course Description: This 5-day CEEC teaches participants critical skills in the following three areas:

  • Enhanced Communication Awareness, Communication Barriers and Conversational Challenges: Participants will be tested on their level of self- and situational awareness. Participants will learn how to increase their self- and situational awareness in order to overcome communication barriers, understand how they communicate with others, actively listen, and be able to identify key verbal and nonverbal indicators of deception to ensure the collection of truthful information. Participants will also learn how to overcome conversational challenges, how to remain emotionally controlled, how to be fully present and focused, how to avoid impulses, and how to change negative language to positive. Participants will also learn about their personality preferences and how to assess personality preferences in others to promote rapport and avoid unwitting communication barriers. Participants will learn how to use the laddering technique to find out peoples’ motivations and needs in order to promote effective communication. Enhanced communication skills shape successful interviewers, negotiators, counselors, educators, entrepreneurs, and much more.
  • Body Language & Detecting Nonverbal Indicators of Deception: Participants will learn how to read body language and how stress, anxiety and insecurity affects body language. We will discuss the physiological effects of cortisol and why a polygraph machine cannot and will never be able to detect lies. Participants will learn about the different types of liars and the correlation between nonverbal indicators of deception. By using my ‘rule of 3’ to accurately detect nonverbal deceptive indicators of deception. Participants will also learn some common verbal indicators of deception and what to look for in the body language when a person uses deceptive statements.
  • Conversational Elicitation and Elicitation Countermeasures: Participants will learn conversational elicitation techniques and elicitation countermeasures to protect themselves if they become the target of elicitation. Participants will learn 10 conversational elicitation techniques to gain information while concealing the objective of the question in mind and rapport building techniques to gain likability and trust. Participants will be taught some body language “do’s and don’ts” for looking and feeling confident. Participants will also learn why elicitation works and how to be an effective elicitor by being able to control conversations, exploiting conversational gates and by using conversational transitions. Participants will learn 10 effective rapport building skills to promote mutual trust. These skills will allow you to obtain sensitive, truthful, information without disclosing your intent or objectives while protecting yourself from being elicited by the adversary. Participants will be required to conduct a real-world elicitation exercise.